30 Photos That Will Make You Want To Visit Bukit Cumbri, Wonogiri

Thetravelunkie.org – There are many ways you can describe Bukit Cumbri in just one word. Some moments stay etched in your memory forever. This was once such moment. It was a mellow, foggy morning in the rain season. Quite early, around 5am. We were sitting sleeping standing on the top of Bukit Cumbri, Wonogiri, Central Java. What’s the view like? You can judge for yourself from the photos below.

There are many lists that appear at this time of the year, recommending where you should go in next stop but if I had to recommend you one place, then it would be Bukit Cumbri. Without a doubt.

Just a note, if you are thinking of coming please leave no trash behind. And take with only memories, photos and videos.


Happy Sustainable Travels!

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