let’s play the sydney opera house | camera Sony NEX-7
Traveljunkieindonesia.com – Hi travel junkies, VIP member come this way…
Travel Junkie Indonesia have been invited to attend the Vivid LIVE Stage Door Tour at Sydney Opera House in early June.
The sun did not know how beautiful its light was until it was reflected off this building,” said famous architect Louis Kahn.
Like I said, discover the history, mysteries, and magic of this architectural wonder and see inside the theatres where the House comes to life. And it was FANTASTIC.
Want to know a secret? Here’s five secrets of Sydney Opera House:

the opera house and me | camera Sony NEX-7
01. There are five theatres in the House, six if you include the Utzon Room and seven with the Forecourt.
02. There are 1.056.006 tiles on the roof of the House.
03. The Opera House was supposed to cost $7 million to build. It ended up costing $102 million.
04. Funds for construction were raised by starting the Sydney Opera House lottery.
05. The net over the Opera Theatre orchestra pit is there because a chicken once fell from the stage on to a cellist.
Happy Sustainable Travels!
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