gamelan-makers in the sound of | camera Sony NEX-7
Traveljunkieindonesia.com – Where to go on holiday this year. Back to work, back to making holiday plans.
Travel Junkie Indonesia scours the globe to find you, 8 greatest destinations in Central Java.
Travel Like a Ciu Maker in Sukoharjo
At the entrance to the village, a rusty, official-looking sign says that this is a home-industry alcohol-producing village. Continue reading, visit here.
Postcards from Blanciran Village, Klaten
It was a spectacular summer’s day. I brought my friends and the tandem bike to the Blanciran Village, Klaten, Central Java – with its amazing, sweeping, postcard-perfect views of the Merapi & Merbabu mountain, magical rice fields and river. Continue reading, visit here.
Pursuit of Music: Gamelan-Making in Bekonang
A group of men were crowded around a gong, pinned to the ground with a wooden lever, pounding it into shape with an oversized wooden mallet. The sound was deafening. Continue reding, visit here.
How to Cook Like A Gudeg Maker in Yogyakarta
How to cook like a gudeg maker in Yogkakarta. One afternoon in Jogja we went to Gudeg Yu Djum’s main kitchen to find out what makes her gudeg so DELICIOUS! Continue reading, visit here.

took an incredible yoga on | camera Sony NEX-7
Incredible Yoga on Borobudur Temple
Well, Borobudur is built from two million block stones in the form of a massive symmetrical stupa, literally wrapped around a small hill. Continue reading, visit here.
Snorkling in Umbul Ponggok Klaten
While we were in Klaten (about 30 minutes drive from Solo or 1 hour from Yogyakarta). We visited Umbul (natural water spring) Ponggok. Showing us all the best local spots to visit and omg I had an incredible time! Continue reading, visit here.
Candi Sukuh : One of the Best Sites in the World That Celebrate Sex & Sexuality
I love sexy Candi Sukuh, Central Java. This site is one of the best sites in the world that celebrate sex & sexuality. One of Java’s most mysterious and striking temples, Candi Sukuh (9am-5pm) stands 900m above sea level on the slopes of Gunung Lawu, 36km east of Solo. Continue reading, visit here.
Karimunjawa National Park
Karimunjawa National Park is one of the six marine national parks in Indonesia and was among the first areas recognised as being important for conservation and marine biodiversity protection. Continue reading, visit here.
Well, wonderful CENTRAL JAVA!!!
So, What destinations would you add to the list? Share your picks in the comments!
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