repulse bay boys and travel junkies | camera Sony NEX-7
Traveljunkieindonesia.com – While in Hong Kong, Tigerair Mandala and I managed to squeeze in a date afternoon by ourselves!
We went to Repulse Bay (which I haven’t been to before) with lovely white sands, took a stroll around Jacky Chan house, the Art, Zhen Hailou Park (a traditional Chinese style), and walked around Repulse Bay enjoying the wonderful subtropical afternoon.
Then facing the sea, there are two huge statue of Tin Hau and Kwun Yum, both ancient goddesses. It was so leafy, peaceful and un-crowded. It certainly had a very different vibe to the insanely-busy bay beach.

repulse and colonial-style building | camera Sony NEX-7

the sweetest of repulse | camera Sony NEX-7

secret of our heart | camera Sony NEX-7
Repulse Bay is a popular choice. The colours are so so pretty and vibrant, like a kaleidoscope of jewels, orchids and tropical flowers.
With love from Hong Kong!
Happy Sustainable Travels!
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