A Magical Gili Air

underwater classic style scene.

Traveljunkieindonesia.com – A few years ago, I took a quick trip to Gili Air Island in Lombok – and it was MAGICAL.

Here is a first pictures (one of the most beautiful tropical islands of my life) and someday I’ll tell you a big about what we did there.

I love this photos because it is a good representation of Gili Air. Impossible not to fall in love with it.

Mmmm. I took a meditation, snorkeling, and diving. I read my e-books. Swam in the clear waters. Sunbathed naked on my ‘terrace’, pheeeeew.

the way you make me feel.

Don’t even get me started on salty hair and freckles. And lemon smells. And the taste of tomatoes.

Tropical dreams is my adored vacation. I love the looong days and the relaxation mania that gets everyone, the rhythm that slows to the max.

I also love tropical dreams fashion, pareos for every second, hippie tunics to throw over a swimsuit and sheer everything because we’re so tan.

Gili Air is amazing, Gili Air is small and beautiful and yes, Gili Air is mystical.


Happy Sustainable Travels!

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