An Incredible Energy of Fort Somba Opu

welcome to fort somba opu scene. | taken with Sony NEX-7 – This day we bring you to Fort Somba Opu, replete with our adventures, some great experience and beautiful snapshots.

The Fort is frenetic and crazy but has an incredible energy. It’s a magical place and I hope to visit again sometime soon.

“Fort Somba Opu is a fortress strongest ever built the archipelago”. – Alfred Wallace

The fort, which was originally built in 1525 was largely destroyed by the Dutch colonial administration in 1669.

fort somba opu sketch | image courtesy of unknown

a stunning view of the fort river. | taken with Sony NEX-7

on the road to the fort. | taken with Sony NEX-7

the fort detail. | taken with Sony NEX-7

king of gowa tomb on the fort. | taken with Sony NEX-7

a new day has come. | taken with Sony NEX-7

on the top of the fort. | taken with Sony NEX-7

dreaming with a broken heart. | taken with Sony NEX-7

The Fort Somba Opu was built at the instruction of the first king of Gowa, Daeng Matanre Karaeng Tumapa’risi Kallonna, who ruled between 1510 and 1546.

Later King Gowa X, I Mariogau Daeng Bonto Karaeng Lakiung Tunipallangga, instigated some improvements to the fort.

In the mid-16th century, the fort was a trading center and port spices visited foreign traders from Asia and Europe.

The fort, now located within the Miniature Culture South Sulawesi. We were talked about South Sulawesi tourism with Mr. M. Yusuf at Museum Karaeng Pattingalloang.

museum karaeng pattingalloang. | taken with Sony NEX-7

mr. yusuf at the museum. | taken with Sony Xperia Z1

an exotic of bugis traditional house. | taken with Sony Xperia Z1

broken toraja traditional house. | taken with Sony NEX-7

a beauty of bulukumba traditional house. | taken with Sony NEX-7

baruga somba opu house. | taken with Sony NEX-7

And, we also learned about the traditional houses like a Makassar, Bugis, Tana Toraja, Bulukumba, Luwu and Mandar not far from the fort.

It was such a beautiful day! We had a fantastic time and we were indeed glowing.

Thanks to AirAsiaGo Indonesia #TelusurNusantara for treating us and hosting this trip we were incredibly lucky to take, and will never, ever forget.

Fort Somba Opu
Jalan Daeng Tata, Barombong,
Gowa – South Sulawesi
(30 minutes from Makarssar)


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