David Bowie at Mutiara Barber Shop, South Jakarta

this is not america. | taken with Sony Xperia Z1

Traveljunkieindonesia.com – I recently took a trip to South Jakarta and uncovered a hidden gem.

Taking me on a tour of an authentic Indonesian barber shop – Pangkas Rambut Mutiara – we meet the large personality Mamang as he discusses his sundanese aesthetic and love of haircut.

This meeting was one that happened by chance while I was walking towards on the way to Pondok Pesantren Darunnajah.

Uncharacteristically not in a rush for once, I decided to stop by The Mutiara for a haircut and I glad that he did.

With a crazy line out the front of the shop, instead of getting a haircut, captured the authentic community, and interviewed Mamang.

“heroes”. | taken with Sony Xperia Z1

changes. | taken with Sony Xperia Z1

ziggy stardust. | taken with Sony Xperia Z1

let’s dance. | taken with Sony Xperia Z1

rebel rebel. | taken with Sony Xperia Z1

modern love. | taken with Sony Xperia Z1

“Rockabillies, psychobillies, gentlemen, vagabonds, punks, ruffians, freaks, artists, brothers of the smock, rockers, bikers, greasers, scumbags, speedfreax, greasers, vintage lovers, jazzers, billies, inkslingers, bastards, lowlifes, sick boys are our typical customers. The door’s open for everyone who wants a tight cut or shave.” said Mamang.

Well now, a travel blogger is in your typical customer haha!

suffragette city. | taken with Sony Xperia Z1

david bowie on the scene. | taken with Sony Xperia Z1

space oddity. | taken with Sony Xperia Z1

Thank you Barber, it was interesting to get insights into Barbering and your approach.

Jalan Ulujami Raya
South Jakarta


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