waekelo old harbor, sumba island.
Traveljunkieindonesia.com – Hi travel junkies!
Travel is life. And if you miss travel, you miss life. Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.
So, check this out! Travel like a travel blogger @Timothywpawiro:

tarimbang, sumba island.
Name: Timothy W Pawiro
Hometown: Jakarta
Residence: Indonesia
Travel Blog: Mixedupalready.com and Theplacethatistay.blogspot.com
Twitter: @timothywpawiro
Short Bio: Love to travel, love watching movies, love nasi goreng kambing, and the fans of: The Corrs, The Script, Anggun, Sugarland, and Aguilera.
How did you first get into travel blogging: I first started blogging about my trip around 2007 or something, but that only lasted for about 3 posts or something. Then in 2011, after I went to Bali to see Jason Mraz, I was thinking, ‘hmm … It’s better that I put all of the experience that I got during the travel in a blog or something, otherwise I will forget it!’ … That’s when I started to blog again.
What do you love most about being a travel blogger: The connection that I made online and then met with other travel bloggers IRL.
What’s the secret to creating a successful travel blog: Don’t you forget that I learn from you?!?! Haha. Yes the secret is to learn from Travel Junkie Indonesia (aaaakkkk!!!) :-). Actually I’m still learning how to make my blog bigger than traveljunkieindonesia.com ( 😀 ), but I think the most important thing is to just use your style in the writing (be yourself).
How do you get your blog noticed amongst the millions of other blogs out there: Just keep blogging and promote it. The easiest way is to use social media.
What advice would you give to fledgling travel bloggers: Just write your experience, because what you experienced is different with the others.

sambangan village, bali.

tarimbang beach, sumba island.
How do you make money out of travel blogging: Well this trick … is something that I should steal from you 😉
How do you fit in blogging while on the road: I usually blog about my experience after I finished my travel as most of trips were short, but I did try once during my trip to Perth. So I squeezed it after my activities on the day and before dinner time. It’s just a very short post about the most played song there.
What’s your most epic travel story: Err … Well I haven’t got any EPIC experiences yet, but what I can think of is about my trip in Tarimbang (Sumba – Nusa Tenggara Timur). I stayed in an accommodations up on a hill and to get to the Tarimbang beach, either we could walk or there’s a shuttle service. So myself and my friend thought, ‘Aahh it’s still around 230PM, let’s just walk! I think the beach is not that far!’ And apparently … It took us around 1.5 hour to reach the beach!! (Well we did take some photos on the way, so it took some time too), but what we’ve never thought was the walk back to our place. Going down was easy, we chatted about many things, and laugh for some joke … but on our way back … We talked very little and just concentrate on reaching the place ASAP! It was so exhausting! Haha … Mmm … is that epic enough? 😀
What is your favourite destination so far: ‘Is’ not ‘are’? 😮 Okay, can I cheat? Hmm for domestic destination is Gili Trawangan, I love the laid back life there … Just do nothing and enjoy. For international is New Zealand … Fell in love on the first sight.
What’s been your biggest travel disaster: I’ve never experienced any travel ‘disasters’ and I don’t want to.
What are your top gadgets that you always take travelling: My Canon 60D and my iPhone.
What’s your favourite phrase in a foreign language: Can’t think of any, but perhaps if it’s the slang, I would say the Singlish with the ‘lah’ ‘leh’ loh’ ‘walawei’ (not sure if the spelling is right) 🙂
Would you ever do any other job: I always dream to be one of the Googlers 😀
What’s next on your bucket list: Plenty! Flores, Sumbawa, Belitung for domestics; Japan and the US for international.
Favorite travel blog/website(s) – besides Traveljunkieindonesia.com, of course!: My blog of course! Haha. Do I need to say other blogs? Lol … Okay … I would always love to read harindabama.com . His English is perfect and he can craft the sentence so well that I just fall in love with the blog 😉
What has travel taught you: About life and gratitude … Grateful with everything …Grateful that I could experience many different things out there.
Best travel tip: Enjoy!
Happy Sustainable Travels!
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