Oh God I get into the Ayam Goreng Kampung | Camera Sony alpha NEX-7
Traveljunkieindonesia.com – This week, my friends and I decided on something a bit more – CHEAP AND CHEERFUL.
We went to a Javanese restaurant call Ayam Goreng Kampung Mbak Mul. It has been a favorite eating place of Fita Fito family for many years.
Here, fried freerange chicken. Super PERFECTOOOOO!!!

One piece never enough | Camera Sony alpha NEX-7

lalapan mba mul | Camera Sony alpha NEX-7

strongly recommend it | Camera Sony alpha NEX-7
One piece never enough, make me wanna more and more, simple fried chicken. And the best bit is… everyone loves a simple fried freerange chicken ala Javanese food!
The ambiance was nice, the service was excellent, the food was great. It was a very good lunch experience. A big thank you to Fita Fito for special lunch in Sukoharjo.
Very happy Travel Junkie Indonesia.
I strongly, strongly recommend it.
Ayam Goreng Kampung Mbak Mul
Jalan Raya Tawangsari, Sukoharjo
Central Java – Indonesia
(62) 271 809 1552
Happy Sustainable Travels!
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