how does it feel. | Taken with Sony NEX-7
Traveljunkieindonesia.com – Lancelin is a small fishing town nestled between the ocean and sand dunes located around 127 kilometres north of Perth, Western Australia.
The town is very small and is very popular for its oceanic views, beaches and sand dunes.
The other day, my friends and I decided to visit the sand dunes in Lancelin and try out 4WDing and sandboarding.
Most of the people there are travel junkies who are having a bit of fun.
We arrived at 2pm and the weather is windy.
Here’s what we did:

the harder they come. | taken with Sony NEX-7

complete control. | taken with Sony NEX-7

here i go again. | taken with Sony NEX-7

fight test. | taken with Sony NEX-7

white line fever. | taken with Sony NEX-7

who did that to you. | taken with Sony NEX-7

avenues and alleyways. | taken with Sony NEX-7

the man with the golden arm. | taken with Sony NEX-7

white lighting. | taken with Sony NEX-7

there she goes, my beautiful world. | taken with Sony NEX-7
With the wind in our hair and sand flying onto our legs we picked up speed and felt like we were flying.
Once at the bottom there was no doubt we were going to climb that dune again, again, and again.
It was actually quite a lot of fun!
Happy Sustainable Travels!
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