– Are you ready for burp, burp, and burp?
Travel Junkie Indonesia have some pretty cool the exoticism of Indonesian food experience #BlissfulBali to share!
So, welcome to Bale Udang!
Bale Udang is a restaurant with the exotic flavors and nature architecture. Bale Udang Mang Engking presents all the best of quality fresh ingredients inspired by the diversity of the richness archipelago.
Enjoy a dish of shrimps our best choice “Hurang Ageung ala Bale Udang”, presented in a special menu. Enjoy the best choice shrimp Bale Udang Mang Engking, such as honey-roasted shrimp, fried shrimp flour, boiled shrimp, and other type.
Hurang Ageung Bale Udang, is a special dish with the perfect blend and unforgettable of flavors.
Find out more info at
Jalan Nakula No. 88, Sunset Road Kuta – Bali
Phone 62.361.894.7007/882.2000
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