queensland sunscreen lotion.
Traveljunkieindonesia.com – I adore my Queensland products!
I wear suncreen lotion everyday in Queensland where Australia shines. On my face, my neck and chest, my shoulders, feet, arms and hands. Very trendy, not!
I also always try to wear a hat and a shirt to cover my shoulders too. But, I always forget to put sunglasses in my daily bag.
I am outside everyday. I’ve been on a looong journey to find a SPF 30+ suncream that applies nicely and feels great on.

an afternoon at surfers paradise beach, gold coast; with a westwood hat, marshall headphone, abercrombie & fitch co jeans, travel junkie indonesia tee, balinese daily bag, and chuck taylor converse. | taken by Sony NEX-7
Which brings me to my favourite Queensland product, a daily moisturiser called, Queensland Outdoorplus SPF 30+ sunscreen lotion provides very high protection from UVA and UVB rays. It also assist in the prevention of some skin cancers.
Ooh benefits: broad spectrum protection, lightly fragranced, non-greasy, up to three hours water resistance, and easy to apply for everyday use, the moisture rich formulation contains Vitamin E, soothes, nourishes and protects. And, suitable for sensitive skin.
This product conforms to the Australian standard for suncreen product. It’s pretty awesome, genius tourism strategy!
A big thank you to Garuda Indonesia, Brisbane City Council, Queensland Government, Visit Gold Coast, Lady Elliot Island, Tourism and Events Queensland, and Tourism Australia.
Happy Sustainable Travels!
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