Indonesia: Why Should We Care About Sustainable Tourism?

nias island sunset | camera sony a 650 – The environment is obviously important to tourism. Both the natural environment (such as beaches, forests, waterways) and the built environment (such as historic buildings and ruins) must be preserved for an area to be environmentally sustainable.

Environmental sustainability means making sure resources in an area (whatever they may be) can be preserved for use by future generations. It’s much more than just being “green.”

Well, the fact is, sustainable tourism actually benefits everyone involved, and not just one half of the equation. Unsustainable tourism might be fine from the point of view of the tourist, but it’s unlikely to benefit or gain support from the host community.

And, at the end of the day, tourism should not be a one-way street. Everyone involved should be benefiting from it in one way or another.

So, the next time you’re torn between two attractions or destinations or hotels or tour companies, consider these points: Which one is locally-owned? Which one is more eco-friendly? Which one employs local people? Which one contributes the most to the local economy? Which one is more sensitive to its impacts on the host community?

Basically, which one is more sustainable? Considering these points just might change the way you travel.

Happy Green Travels!

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