kakara dreamin’.
Traveljunkieindonesia.com – The other days. After having spent a few days in the bustling city of Tobelo for the National Alliance of Indigenous People Congress, we finally arrived in Kakara Island, Tobelo – North Halmahera.
Everything feels different here, this island truly has a Holy Spirit.
Here’s what we did:

sugar baby love scene.

monday, monday.

one was a time.

thank kind of boy.

dream a little dream of me.

dedicated to the i love.
Photographer: hafidz novalsyah.
I appreciate both women and men. I admire both female and male body with ‘sexy-belly’ form.
And it was nice to hang out, meditation, completely forget about our responsibilities, and enjoy Kakara sunset.
It was so much wonderful!
Happy Sustainable Travels!
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