Kakara Island Groove

kakara dreamin’.

Traveljunkieindonesia.com – The other days. After having spent a few days in the bustling city of Tobelo for the National Alliance of Indigenous People Congress, we finally arrived in Kakara Island, TobeloNorth Halmahera.

Everything feels different here, this island truly has a Holy Spirit.

Here’s what we did:

sugar baby love scene.

monday, monday.

one was a time.

thank kind of boy.

dream a little dream of me.

dedicated to the i love.

Photographer: hafidz novalsyah.

I appreciate both women and men. I admire both female and male body with ‘sexy-belly’ form.

And it was nice to hang out, meditation, completely forget about our responsibilities, and enjoy Kakara sunset.

It was so much wonderful!


Happy Sustainable Travels!

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