the sunan hotel klappertart | Camera Sony alpha NEX-7
Traveljunkieindonesia.com – I am very excited at the moment. Here are my foodie highlights of the week.
Klappertart cake is an Indonesian cuisine from North Sulawesi; somewhere between custard pudding and cake filled with sliced young coconuts. It has a creamy texture and melts in your mouth.
The Sunan Hotel Solo Klappertart Recipe
Klappertart Ingredients:
350 cc Fresh Milk
100 gr Sugar
75 gr Maizena
5 Egg Yolk
50 gr Butter
Sliced young coconuts
Topping Ingredients:
15 gr Sugar
5 egg white
1. Beat all topping ingredients until thick and stiff, then set aside.
2. Melt the butter, maizena, fresh milk, sugar, young coconut and egg yolks one by one while continuously stirring stir until flour is cooked.
3. Pour mixture in a heat-resistant dish that is greased.
4. Bake in microwave for 7 minutes at high temperature.
5. Remove from microwave, add topping ingredients, then sprinkle with almonds (if any) and raisins.
6. Bake in oven at a temperature of 325 Fahrenheit or 170 Celsius until cooked and topping turns brown. 7. The duration of the baking process depends on the condition of the oven.
8. Klappertart will become more tasty after being kept in the refrigerator for one night.

absolutely love klappertart | Camera Sony alpha NEX-7
Are you in Solo? And, know how to get more flavors (chocolate, durian, cheese, Jackfruit and original) of klappertart? visit Royal Delicatessen at the Sunan Hotel Solo, you can find more flavors out of Klappertart!!!
I strongly, strongly recommend it.
It was really, reeeeeally yummy.
I was thinking. I absolutely love klappertart.
For more information, visit thesunanhotelsolo.com
Happy Sustainable Travels!
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