Let Yourself Be Free in Cemara Besar Island, Karimunjawa Islands

Thetraveljunkie.org – Whenever we think about paradise we always tend to think about a faraway place, one of those that can only be reached by a long-haul plane ride. But the more we travel, the more we value our country and we’ve realised that the best paradise is much closer than we’d thought. The Karimunjawa Islands are, in our opinion, paradise and a true gem. It offers adventure, peace, nature, great food, respect for the environment, freedom and happiness. There’s such a huge contrast in the landscape: you can be on a beautiful beach and suddently come across forest. Karimunjawa Island will always be our paradise.

Cemara Besar Island in one of the must-see Islands in Karimunjawa. It’s a tiny island found on the west and only accessible by boat where you’ll find stunning beaches. Going for a drive in a private wooden-boat from island to island is a real adventure.

Just a note, if you are thinking of coming please leave no trash behind. And take with only memories, photos and videos.


Happy Sustainable Travels!

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