melbie bike share scene. | taken with Sony NEX-7
Traveljunkieindonesia.com – A great way to travel around Melbourne.
Melbourne Bike Share is a new form of public transport, designed for short trips across the city.
Simply purchase a subscription that suits you, take a bike when you need it and then return it to one of the 50 bike stations throughout the city.
What are the objectives of Melbourne Bike Share?
The aim of the Melbourne Bike Share is to provide a Public Bicycle System for workers, commuters, residents, students, and travel junkies to inner Melbourne.
The objectives of Melbourne Bike Share are:
01). To support the Victorian Government’s goals for social sustainability within an integrated public transport system;
02). To provide a viable sustainable transport alternative for inner Melbourne which will help relieve crowding on the transport systems in the inner city and assist in managing the growth of travel demands in Melbourne;
03). To assist in the promotion of cycling for trips under 10 kilometres in and around central Melbourne;
04). To extend the reach of the public transport system, particularly at the “destination” end, as cycling provides an option that is faster than walking and more flexible than trams and other route-based public transport;
05). To aid the promotion and growth of cycling mode share, in order to contribute to positive health and well-being benefits for Victorians; and
06). To assist State and Local Government in reaching targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
For more information, go to melbournebikeshare.com.au.
A big thank you Tourism Victoria, Tourism Australia, my readers, for following and supporting me on this journey!
Happy Sustainable Travels!
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