Oasis of Carlo Sandblow on the Rainbow Beach

Thetraveljunkie.org – Last Sunday, we went to Carlo Sandblow on the Rainbow Beach, Queensland, Australia. Meander through eucalypt forest and rainforest to reach Carlo Sandblow, part of the huge accumulation of windblown sand known as the Cooloola sandmass. As you cross the sandblow, marvel at this dynamic landscape, where wind is transforming a forest and burying everything in its wake with sand.

Anyway, we love the word oasis. We’re not too keen on its literally meaning, we like its symbolic meaning much more. An oasis is a calm place, it symbolises hope and the happiness that comes when you find something when you least expect it. Without concrete, the cold or being in a hurry. A place full of sand dunes, peace and hot weather.

A goanna (biawak in Indonesian) is any one of several species of lizards of the genus Varanus found in Australia and Southeast Asia. Around 80 species of Varanus are known, 25 of which are found in Australia.

From the top of the Carlo Sandblow, we enjoyed stunning 180-degree views over Rainbow Beach, the Coloured Sands, Double Island Point, Fraser Island and Inskip Peninsula. Looked overhead for birds of prey, such as brahminy and whistling kites. Then, we bought fish and chips near IGA (recommended) for a lunch on the Rainbow Beach.

It was just wonderful day!

While you may not be able to travel to Queensland right now, that doesn’t mean you can’t dream up your next Sunshine Coast adventure.

Take this time to keep your wanderlust alive. When the time is right, we’ll be waiting to welcome you with open arms to experience all Sunshine Coast has to offer.

We’ll see you again soon. With love, from Sunshine Coast QLD, Australia.


Happy Sustainable Travels!

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