welcome scene. | taken by Sony Xperia Z1
Traveljunkieindonesia.com – Eeeeeeeewwwwwww travel junkies, this day we bring you Go Stay Smart Asia! Excited to be back visit Bangkok, Thailand.
By the time you see this blog post, woohoo… Amazing Thailand!
As for my blog, I have lots of posts lined up for the next week and I was posted my updates on my Facebook Page, Twitter and Instagram (follow me on @TravelJunkieID) with #StaySmartAsia.

myself in. | taken by Sony Xperia Z1

explore and stay smart. | taken by Sony Xperia Z1

getting the right buzz. | taken by Sony Xperia Z1

an afternoon scene. | taken by Sony Xperia Z1

heaven for travel junkies. | taken by Sony Xperia Z1
To end this post, I thought I’d share with you my the standard about SMART.
Smart is everything you need and nothing you don’t. I had a great night in and really enjoyed it.
Smart is having a well-selected range of facilities and services.
Smart is being in the best location.
Smart is checking into a great experiance. And, many more!
well, see you later on the next blog posts.
Hugs and kisses from Bangkok, muaaah!!
Total bliss!!
A big thank you to holidayinnexpress.com Bangkok Siam.
Happy Sustainable Travels!
Follow us on Twitter @TravelJunkieID, Instagram @TravelJunkieID & like us on Facebook.