Picnic By The Motorway In Solo

Thetraveljunkie.org – October is the perfect time to travel, although if you haven’t had the chance to enjoy your holidays first, the best thing for you to do is to discover your own city. Solo in Central Java really does have something for everyone. The best time of the day to picnic by benly motorcycle is the morning and we suggest you wear comfortable stuff. The truth is that we like the traditional market and the sugar factory in Colomadu throughout the whole year, whether it rains or its super hot. Each season offers a different perspective and being able to motorcycle around the factory or enjoy a photo session on a dry morning is totally priceless.

Hola Solo! Headed out on an adventure with my other travel bae, @ethnictraveler. Riding a @honda motorcycle makes me very happy. ?: @lookingfordyan ?

A video posted by THE TRAVEL JUNKIE (@traveljunkieid)


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