– When in Luang Prabang, Laos. We went to villages there is producing snake and scorpion wine. You might not know that these items are illegal or inhumane. As a traveler, you have the power to contribute to conservation. Sustainable travel gets easier every year. In Southeast Asia it’s not uncommon to find bottles of wine stuffed with whole snakes and scorpions for sale. Some believe it has medicinal value (not true), and others like the oddity factor. Snake and scorpion wine has been considered an effective curative for thousands of years but is also widely thought to increase male virility. But the truth is, it’s cruel and inhumane.
Sai bai dee Luang Prabang ?? @laos_simplybeautiful @maisondalabua @wherejacwanders @javamifi @luangprabangtourism
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Lao lao snake and scorpion wine was first recorded to have been consumed in China during the Western Zhou dynasty (ca. 1040-770 BC) and considered an important curative and believed to reinvigorate a person according to traditional Chinese medicine. Don’t buy it!
Stay tuned for explore Luang Prabang with @thebojoku in Laos.
Happy Sustainable Travels!
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