Thetraveljunkie.org – Last weekend, we woke up early at 8am and so we went to Yandina Market. A great chance as always to stock up on yummy local produce! Next we went for a spontaneous climb up Mount Ninderry, a pleasant climb following a stepped track to a large plateau with two viewing platforms. One covers the west, overlooking Yandina and the Blackall Range, the other is to the east overlooking Mt Coolum and Yandina Creek. The Mt Ninderry Bushland Conservation Reserve covers approx. 150 hectares, while its peak, Mt Ninderry, is 304 meters above sea level.
It was just wonderful.

While you may not be able to travel to Queensland right now, that doesn’t mean you can’t dream up your next Sunshine Coast adventure.
Take this time to keep your wanderlust alive. When the time is right, we’ll be waiting to welcome you with open arms to experience all Sunshine Coast has to offer.
We’ll see you again soon. With love, from Sunshine Coast QLD, Australia.
Happy Sustainable Travels!
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