Step Into the Koala’s Woodland World, Phillip Island – Victoria – We went to visit the Koala Conservation Centre, which is a must if you’re a visiting Phillip Island.

We spent a hour hanging out with koalas and friends and having a FANTASTIC day. The Koala Conservation Centre was created to establish a protected koala population on Phillip Island away from human dangers.

We arrived at 12.15pm and left at 13.15pm. Learn about the koalas in the visitor centre where colourful displays tell the koala story.

This unique setting will let travel junkies experience koalas in an environment representing their natural bushland habitat.

And, from the boardwalks we’re to see koalas chewing on eucalyptus leaves or dozing away – they sleep about 20 hours a day.

It was an epic day! More information about the Koala Conservation Centre, visit

Overall, yes, It’s a place I will surely revisit.

I LOVED the experience! A big thank you Tourism Victoria, Tourism Australia, my readers, for following and supporting me on this journey!

Koala Conservation Centre
Phillip Island VIC 3922
T. +61 3 5956 8300


Happy Sustainable Travels!

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