The 12 Steps of Handwritten Batik Making – The technique of applying wax or other dye-resistant substances to cloth to produce a design is found in many parts of the world, but none is as famous as the batik of Java. The Javanese were making batik… Continue Reading

The 8 Steps of Hand-Block Batik Making – Yes, Travel Junkie Indonesia love Batik. The word ‘batik’ is an old Javanese word meaning ‘to dot’. From the mid-19th century, batik production was increased by applying the wax with a metal stamp called a cap. The cap… Continue Reading

18 Things to Do in Solo – Surakarta, often called Solo and less commonly Sala, is a city in Central Java, Indonesia. As well as visitors to its two beautiful palaces, Solo attracts many students and scholars to its academies of music and dance. The… Continue Reading

Borobudur & Sarung Batik – Jangan kaget kalau kamu vakansi ke Candi Borobudur dan diwajibkan mengenakan sarung. Yup, Sejak Februari hingga Mei mendatang, tempat wisata ini tengah uji coba penggunaan sarung pada pengunjungnya. Secara pribadi, saya sangat mendukung program sarung ini untuk dilaksanakan… Continue Reading