Beauty Queens and Smiley Balloons Galore at Thailand’s Back-To-Normal Happiness Street Festival – With a parade of Thai beauty queens and a mass release of 10,000 smiley-balloons, the Thai tourism industry has told the world that it is back in business, safe and ready to receive visitors. Over two days between… Continue Reading

Monkey Mia To Little Lagoon – Hi travel junkies! This day we bring you go on the road, replete with our adventures and beautiful photos. We spend only few days in Monkey Mia before we road trip together to Little Lagoon, Western Australia! Heres… Continue Reading

Little Lagoon’s Outstanding Natural Beauty – Yeah! We found a Little Lagoon, Western Australia. Little Lagoon’s outstanding natural beauty helped contribute to Shark Bay’s World Heritage listing. The lagoon is shallow, no more than 3 metres deep, and connected to the ocean via narrow… Continue Reading

The Beauty of Kalbarri National Park’s Stunning River Gorges – The other afternoon, we went to Kalbarri National Park, 186,096 hectares of outback adventures, dramatic gorges and dazzling wildflowers which is a must if you’re a visiting Australia’s Coral Coast. You can sometimes see kangaroos and emus during… Continue Reading