Kakara Island Groove

Traveljunkieindonesia.com – The other days. After having spent a few days in the bustling city of Tobelo for the National Alliance of Indigenous People Congress, we finally arrived in Kakara Island, Tobelo – North Halmahera. Everything feels different here, this… Continue Reading

The Storms Come in Halmahera

Traveljunkieindonesia.com – Ta da! The weather hit us. Watching the storm come in over Kakara Island, Tobelo – Halmahera. Look at the storms clouds rolling towards us! The wind was strong. The rain poured. It was cold. It was a… Continue Reading

Travel Like Pirates in Tobelo

Traveljunkieindonesia.com – Experiencing new things and having shifts in perspective. This is probably why I travel so much. Balance is also important. So as much as I love music and movies, I need my walks and rides through nature. My… Continue Reading

Between the Sunset, the Sea, Pawole Island and Kakara Island

Traveljunkieindonesia.com – Once upon a time on an island of spices. I had a really wonderful, simple, but meaningful day. The world is getting smaller every year. April 2012, I’ve been in Tobelo, North Halmahera for Congress of the Indigenous… Continue Reading

Getting Skinny Dipping in Tobelo

Traveljunkieindonesia.com – April 2012, I’ve been in Tobelo for three weeks and I figured it was about time I started to live a bit more like a local. Why did I get skinny dipping in Tobelo? Travel has done some… Continue Reading

Side of Life – Kakara Island

Traveljunkieindonesia.com – Side of life. Relaxing and enjoying a lovely natural spa treatment at Kakara island, Tobelo – North Halmahera. I just love warm, tropical loveland. With friends. Food and drink. The weather was SPECTACULAR!

10 Things to Do in Tobelo

Traveljunkieindonesia.com – The Tobelo is centred on the largest town in Halmahera Island. The town itself is also called Tobelo, and is a major transport hub for north-eastern Halmahera – but pretty it isn’t. However the surrounding area is more… Continue Reading