Top 17 Places To Visit in 2014 – The Travel Junkie’s ‘travel experts’ have come up with three list where to visit in 2014. The top 17 cities to visit in 2014, the top 17 countries to visit in 2014, the top 17 region to visit… Continue Reading

[VIDEO] Discover the Spirit of Japan – Japan. It’s like a dream!!! Presenting both traditional and modern Japan and its enigmatic people – the video is an enticing visual journey asking ‘Do you really know the people of Japan? If you can’t watch the video,… Continue Reading

Top 15 Places to Visit in Japan – Japan. It’s like a dream. From the rocky wilds of Hokkaido to the sandy beaches of Okinawa and all the buzzing cities in between, these are some of the places TJI visited on our travels around the diverse… Continue Reading

Top 10 Places to have Sex on the Road – Sex and traveling go hand in hand. A lot like rum and coke. You’re forever young, free, without the stress of the ‘real world’ and spending heaps of time in beautiful places, surrounded by beautiful people and in… Continue Reading

Top 6 Places to Visit in Indonesia – Coba riset kecil-kecilan, tanya teman-teman kantor di kanan-kiri Anda, atau bahkan orang random yang papasan di jalan. Pertanyaannya, “Anda tahu Raja Ampat, pulau Togian, pulau kakaban. dimana sih?” kami hampir 100% yakin, jawabannya tidak akan jauh-jauh dari “ga”,… Continue Reading