Paris Day Segway Tour – Returning to Paris is always a pleasure (even if it is just mentally) and I wanted to show you these photos which I took a 3 hours of the Paris day segway tour, the perfect tour for both… Continue Reading – Returning to Paris is always a pleasure (even if it is just mentally) and I wanted to show you these photos which I took a 3 hours of the Paris day segway tour, the perfect tour for both… Continue Reading – Hi travel junkies, after a segway tour, we accepted a warm invitation by Rochford Wines to experience their Yarra Valley lunch menu. Rochford Wines is fully operational vineyard and winery that houses a spectacular complex and a tourism… Continue Reading – A visit to Yarra Valley wouldn’t be complete without a segway tour of Rochford Winery. I recommend a segway tour to explore the Yarra Valley’s most spectacular winery, Rochford – it is a total experience! We started at… Continue Reading