Spectacular 4WD Sandboarding at Stockton Bight Sand Dunes @Port_Stephens

Traveljunkieindonesia.com – I am very excited at the moment. Another tough winter day in the Port Stephens. I had a really wonderful, simple, but meaningful days. Here, Worimi Conservations Land (Stockton Bight Sand Dunes). This almost surreal dune system is… Continue Reading

Spectacular Vivid Aquatique in Darling Harbour Sydney

Traveljunkieindonesia.com – Winter in Sydney and NSW. Blue skies and golden sunsets, warm days and colourful nights – Sydney in winter is bright and welcoming and I love every second of it. Like I said on Sydney Transforms the City… Continue Reading

Ramayana Ballet is Java’s Most Spectacular Dance Drama

Traveljunkieindonesia.com – I have some pretty cool to share from Yogyakarta, where International Travel Bloggers spent much of last month. one night in Jogja we went to Ramayana Ballet in Prambanan temple to find out what Java’s most magical mystery… Continue Reading