16 Consulates in Bali

Traveljunkieindonesia.com – It’s important to realise what your own embassy can and can’t do to help you if you get into trouble. Most foreign embassies are located in Bali. All telephone numbers take the area code 0361: 1. Australia (incl.… Continue Reading

Cheers, UK! by @CitraDP (Citra Dyah Prastuti)

Traveljunkieindonesia.com – Aha, ini nih buku perjalanan tentang Inggris, khususnya London. 100% Travel Junkie Indonesia sangat lah iri, iri, iri sama penulis buku ini yang bilang “UK boleh mahal tapi kenapa harus keluar uang kalo bisa gratisan? Hoho..” Kenapa iri? ya… Continue Reading