30 Photos That Will Make You Want To Visit Bukit Cumbri, Wonogiri

Thetravelunkie.org – There are many ways you can describe Bukit Cumbri in just one word. Some moments stay etched in your memory forever. This was once such moment. It was a mellow, foggy morning in the rain season. Quite early,… Continue Reading

44 Blog Posts That Will Make You Want to Visit Tokyo, Japan

Thetraveljunkie.org – Read this post if you’re looking for things to do in Tokyo, places to visit Tokyo or blogposts that will make you want to visit Tokyo now. The travel junkie confident you’ll come across a million of your… Continue Reading

10 Photos To Make You Want To Visit Harajuku Takeshita Street, Tokyo – Japan

Traveljunkieindonesia.com – Going through my travel snaps, something immediately caught my eye. A few things, actually. They came in the form of holiday snaps from my trip to Harajuku, Tokyo. Harajuku is a few things: magic, Visually stunning, fashion junkie.… Continue Reading

Want To Be A Travel Blogger? Learn From These Experts

Traveljunkieindonesia.com – After weeks of nominations and hundreds upon hundreds of nominations, all votes are in and counted. Travel Junkie Indonesia for being the only Indonesian in the finalists for the @Destinology Travel Bloggy Awards as follows. You can follow the… Continue Reading