The Betawian Party With Es Selendang Mayang – While I was holidaying in Jakarta, some friends took me to the Betawian party. And I enjoyed it soooo much!

My friends and I made there pretty Es (ice) Selendang Mayang, a betawian delicious to serve in sunny afternoon. It tasted fantastic – insane yumminess!

Here are our Es Selendang Mayang recipe:


Selendang Mayang:
750 ml water
100 gr sago flour
25 gr rice flour
2 pandan leaves, knotted
1/2 tsp salt
125 gr sugar
1/2 tsp food coloring (pink)

Coconut Milk Sauce, stirring, bring to boil:
750 ml coconut milk from 1 grated coconut
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar
3 pandan leaves, ripped

Palm Sugar Syrup, simmer until thick:
300 gr palm sugar, finely sliced
1/4 tsp salt
300 ml water

Ice cubes

How to make:
01). Mix 250 ml of water with sago palm flour, and rice flour. Set aside.

02). Boil the remaining water, pandan leaf, salt, and sugar until dissolved. Remove and strain.

03). Heat again a mixture of water and pandan leaves over low heat, put the sago palm flour mixture, stirring quickly until well blended, bring to a boil. Lift.

04). Pour into the pan size 22.5 x 29.5 x 3 cm, smooth. Drizzle with the red dye, smooth with a brush until the entire surface is colored red. Let it cool down and harden slightly.

05). Spoon thinly the Selendang Mayang ‘dough’, put in serving glasses, pour coconut milk and sugar water. Add ice cubes and serve cold.

06). Serves for 6 persons.



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