speed of sound. | taken with Sony Xperia Z1
Traveljunkieindonesia.com – A few weeks ago, I joined a cycling group to do a Real Melbourne Bike Tours along the city!
We started at Vault Federation Whalf, riverside level below Federation Square, made our way up the atmosphere as you explore the bohemian backstreets, lively markets, cafes, hidden arcades, bike paths, bluestone laneways and then back down again.
THEN. The weather hit us.

me and murray. | taken with Sony NEX-7

ticket to ride. | taken with Sony NEX-7

melbie criket ground. | taken with Sony NEX-7

history and story. | taken with Sony Xperia Z1
Look at the storms clouds rolling towards us! The wind was strong. The rain poured. It was soooo cold (9°C I think).
Riding INTO the wind was difficult. It was bloody hard work! I struggled.
My shoes were filled with water, my arms were shaking from the cold… and there was a moment where I thought to myself – Just cheer the hell up and enjoy the ride Junkie!

park and ride. | taken with Sony NEX-7

into autumn. | taken with Sony Xperia Z1

melbie library. | taken with Sony NEX-7

victoria riders. | taken with Sony NEX-7

the bulu on the road. | taken with Sony Xperia Z1
Yep, we rode along the glorious view of the city. It was my first time doing this bike tour and I was super keen to do this ride – particularly because I’ve always wanted to ride all the way into the city!
The ride went off smoothly in the wet. And I had an AMAZING RIDE.
It was just bloody brilliant haha

royal exhibition. | taken with Sony NEX-7

melbourne theme. | taken with Sony Xperia Z1

inner melbourne. | taken with Sony NEX-7

swanston scene. | taken with Sony Xperia Z1

how to say goodbye. | taken with Sony NEX-7

australia, denmark, philippine and indonesia. | taken with Sony NEX-7
It was such a remarkable experience and bike tour. To be part of something so huge was just EPIC! I completely recommend it!
For more information about the tours, visit rentabike.net.au.
And I was so much more thankful for that.
A big thank you Tourism Victoria, Tourism Australia, my readers, for following and supporting me on this journey!
Happy Sustainable Travels!
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