The Yummiest Sate Lilit Bali Ever!

The yummiest sate lilit Bali ever! | Camera Sony alpha NEX-7 – I made Sate Lilit Bali recently and it was so so SO DELICIOUS.

It for a lunch party with my extended ‘family’ in Surakarta, and everyone loved it! Thankfully everyone brought too much food and drink to the party.

OMG it’s so worth it!

Sate Lilit Bali Recipe

250 grams shrimp (cleaned and deveined)
250 grams mackerel or any firm white flesh fillet
50 grams desiccated coconut
6 pieces kaffir lime leaves (thinly sliced)
2 tablespoons palm sugar (gula jawa)
Red capsicum (tiny cubes for sprinkles)
Bamboo skewers or fresh lemongrass may be used

Processed Ingredients:

8 shallots
2 cloves garlic
2 cm galangal or blue ginger
2 cm kencur or lesser galangal
1 teaspoon coriander seeds
1 cm fresh turmeric
Mince all ingredients until they turn into a smooth paste. DO NOT FRY


1. Mix both fish & shrimp in food processor until smooth. Mix in desicated coconut. Add 3 tablespoons of thick coconut milk.
2. Add processed ingredients, mix well. Add salt & sugar to taste.
3. If the mixture is still too dry, you may add 1 egg white and a bit of olive oil.
4. Shape the mixture on sate sticks/lemongrass stalk, flatten slightly.
5. Charcoal grill sate until light brown and cooked through.

Happy Sustainable Travels!

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