[Tickets Info] Konser Keajaiban Indonesia Vol 2: Sound From the East #REALWOW2012

Traveljunkieindonesia.com – Hi everyone, I am so excited to tell you all about this update.

As program to promote series of the Real Wonder of the World (The Real WOW) in Indonesia, Marketeers will organise Konser Keajaiban Indonesia Vol 2, Great Indonesia Songbook: Sound From the East” which will be held in Ballroom Ritz Carlton – Pasific Place, Jakarta. Thursday, December 13, 2012, 18.30-21.30PM.

Fully supported by the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy and Badan Promosi Pariwisata Indonesia (BPPI). This concent will also perform Glenn Fredly, Barry Likumahuwa Project, Lea Simanjuntak, Jemima, BoyzIIBoys, Oele Pattiselano, Ivan Nestorman, Albert Fakdawer, etc.


And, this concent will also perform orkes suling bamboo from Ambon Island, Molucca Bamboo Wind Orchestra. Rence Alfonds as a conductor, the orchestra as well as for promotion of the preservation of culture and nature in Eastern Indonesia. It’s world orchestra for PEACE!!!


So, here are media and community partners: Travel Junkie Indonesia, Metro TV, Media Indonesia,  Bisnis Indonesia, Kabar24.com, Dive Mag Indo, Marketeers Radio, the-marketeers.com, Hardrock FM, Scuba Diver Indo, Trackpacking, Backpackin Magazine, Wego, Majalah Jalan-jalan, Backpack Seru, Flamingo, GNFI, Indonesia Travellers, Kaskus, Liburan Lokal, Lintas.me, Mindtalk, Tukangjalan.com, Keluar Rumah, Valadoo, Dive Indonesia, Maluku Manise, Infobandung, Infojkt.com, Maluku Baronda, and many more.

This is a free concert, by-invitation only, for more information, please contact media and community partners. Or, Tinus 0877 8020 2299, Cendra 0812 8355 836, 021 5790 2338, Pin BBm Marketeers 26AE2D9C, Twitter @The_Marketeers & @TheRealWonderID.

Happy Green Travels!

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