Image courtesy of Mortens Bar
Traveljunkieindonesia.com – The live-music and bar scene in Denmark is vibrant and varied. So, here are top five bars in Denmark – Travel Junkie Indonesia’s selection.
1. Ruby, Copenhagen
Covering the two floors of a 19th-century town house on Nybrogade, Ruby draws a slightly more mature, loungery crowd with its homely vibe. It’s a heaven for cocktail-aficionados, with seasonal summer mixes currently on the menu. There’s also an outdoor terrace. rby.dk
2. Sidebar, Aarhus
Though more of a pub kind of city, Aarhus does have the dressy sidebar – a cocktail bar, restaurant and lounge. sidebar.dk
3. 1105, Copenhagen
Bartender Gromit Eduardsen is something of a legend in Copenhagen cocktail circle (and a multi-award-winner), and his bar manages to be both hyggelig (that special Danish brand of cosiness), yet chic. Check out the seasonal drinks. 1105.dk
4. Mortens Kro, Aarhus
Dressy restaurant owned by acclaimed chef morten Nielsen. Plus champagne bar with lounge and DJs. mortenskro.dk
5. The Union, Copenhagen
It may be cramped, but this speakeasy-style, signless bar, which lies behind a black door at Store Strandstræde 19, is very hot right now. A must-visit. theunionbar.dk
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