Top 8 Reasons to Visit Fremantle Markets

you like sir freo to much. – I get lots of emails from my readers asking me: “What kind of reasons to visit Fremantle Markets?”

Fremantle Markets has rightfully earned itself a reputation as one of the best destinations in Fremantle for travel like locals, as well as a leading source of independent wares and produce.

It’s undoubtedly one of the best and most well-known markets in Western Australia.

hey freooooo.

act naturally.

i saw her standing there.

all my loving.

If you haven’t visited, or need a reminder why it’s so great, here are top eight reasons to visit Fremantle Markets:

01). Fresh Local Produce

02). Heritage Architecture

03). Organic Goods

04). Rich History

05). Indigenous & Independent Products

06). Music, Cuture & Atmosphere

07). Market Bar

08). Hub of Events

Have a suggestion for one of the top reasons to visit Fremantle Markets? Add it below in the comments and I’ll try to include it in this blog post!

your mother should know.

can’t buy me love.

i want to hold your hand.

please please me.

love me do.

Directions: Fremantle Markets is easy to get to, no matter what form of transport you use. It is located in the heart of Fremantle on the Cappuccino Strip – South Terrace.

By Train Catch an electric train from Perth Central Station to Fremantle. The trip takes less than half an hour. The Fremantle Markets are only a short stroll from the Fremantle Railway Station.

By Bus Transperth buses will take you to Fremantle leaving from various stands in St Georges Terrace via Stirling Highway or the Bus Port via Canning Highway.

By Ferry Catch a ferry from the Barrack Street Jetty in Perth and enjoy the sights on the Swan River as you cruise to Fremantle, arriving at the East Street Jetty.


Happy Sustainable Travels!

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