– Hey travel junkies and everyone!
Life is a trip! want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.
So, check this out! travel like a musician @jflowrighthere:
Name: Joshua Matulessy aka JFlow
Occupation: Musician, comic, tv host, writer in learning
Hometown: Jakarta
Residence: Jakarta
Twitter: @jflowrighthere
Short Bio: A hiphop musician, recording artist, songwriter and founder of @EFAproject. Hosted Provocative Proactive, a political talkshow for the youngsters for 1,5 years on Metro Tv. Wish he could travel way much more than he already had.
How often do you fly: Like 2-3 times a month
How many countries have you been to: 5 so far
How many continents have you been to: 2 so far
Favorite Indonesian city: Bandung, Ambon, Manado and Jogja
Favorite international city: Paris and Vienna
Least favorite country: Singapore
Favorite World Heritage Site: Borobudur
Favorite airline: Air France
Favorite aircraft type: Boeing 747, the large one. Hope I get the name right.
Aisle or window: Aisle, definitely
Favorite Indonesia airport: Makassar, Surabaya, Ambon
Favorite international airport: Changi
Favorite hotel: Ritz, haha
Favorite island: Maluku Islands
Favorite fancy restaurant: Couldn’t think of any
Favorite fruit: Orange, mango and pineapple
Favorite food: Indonesian, greek, italian and japs
Least favorite food: None, I fancy food from all over haha
Drink of choice (In the air and on the ground): Red wine, champagne, iced green tea and sparkling water
Favorite travel movie(s): Any comedy/action/thriller will do
Favorite travel song(s): Random, depends on the mood
Favorite travel show(s): Random, depends on the mood
Favorite travel book(s): Grisham, Murakami, Cleave or anything interesting I could find at airport’s book stores
Right now I am reading: Murakami 1Q84 book 3
Five things you bring on a plane: night mask, neck pillow, snacks, books and iphone
What do you always seem to forget: Toiletries
What do you want your loved one to buy you from an airport duty free store? Wine and choc
Most embarrassing/worst travel moment: Being rejected to enter a country because of the passport I was holding
What’s your dream destination: Brasil and Alaska
Favorite travel blog/website(s) – besides, of course!: Haven’t been to many, so I’ll stick to
Best travel tip: Don’t expect anything, just free yourself and see where the journey is going to take you.
Happy Sustainable Travels!
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