– Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.
“I’m a single mother with a wide range of interest, contradiction and nomadic nature.” -Tale About Nomad
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Name: Astrid Reza
Occupation: Writer & Translator
Hometown: Buitenzorg (Bogor), West Java
Residence: Yogyakarta, DIY
Twitter: @taleaboutnomad
How often do you fly: Lately? Every 2 months
How many countries have you been to: Seven
How many continents have you been to: Two
Favorite Indonesian city: Yogyakarta
Favorite international city: Bangkok
Least favorite country: Singapore
Favorite World Heritage Site: Borobudur – I’m a stone temple ruins lover
Favorite airline: Qantas
Favorite aircraft type: Anything that does not feel cramp
Aisle or window: Window
Favorite airport lounge: Changi – Although I don’t like the country, but their airport lounge is nice to doze off for long transit hours
Favorite Indonesia airport: Soekarno Hatta
Favorite international airport: Changi
Favorite hotel: D’omah – Bantul, Yogyakarta
Favorite island: Kakara Island, Tobelo – North Halmahera
Favorite fancy restaurant: I prefer classic vintage restaurant, Trio – Cikini, Jakarta
Favorite hole in the wall: Late-night dip (well, skinny dipping :P) at hot water spring in Candi Umbul, Magelang
Favorite fruit: Mangosteen
Favorite food: Chinese Indonesian Style Porridge, which I often make myself
Least favorite food: Anything bland, I’m a spice lovers, the only plain thing I’ll have are just fresh vegs and fruits
Drink of choice (In the air and on the ground): Red wine
Favorite travel movie(s): Y’tu Mama Tambien and Happy Together, both are favorites, I can’t decide
Favorite travel song(s): Khaboon Ke Parinday – Mohit Chaucan & Alyssa Mendonsa
Favorite travel show(s): I don’t watch TV
Favorite travel book(s): Marcopolo – The Travels , sucker for anything old and classic
Right now I am reading: Spice: The History of Temptation – Jack Turner, Amitav Ghosh – The River of Smoke , I like to switch two books in a time
Five things you bring on a plane: Books, what else? 😛
What do you always seem to forget: Towel, especially when I need one at the other place
What do you want your loved one to buy you from an airport duty free store? ABSOLUT and some good dark chocolate would do me fine somehow
Most embarrassing/worst travel moment: Our boat flip in the North Halmaheran seas, since then I always believe any can flip and after the incident bought myself some dry bags
What’s your dream destination: Lhasa and Bhutan, I’m weak with the Himalayan regions really and I don’t mind doing a motorcycle diaries track in Latin America
Favorite travel blog/website(s) – besides, of course!: for his journey of nine lives and for the inspiration of single moms traveling with their kids
Best travel tip: Let go of yourself in any trip, expect the unexpected. Live like a local. Learn that human compassion exist everywhere we go.
Happy Green Travels!
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