world cup trip.
Traveljunkieindonesia.com – Hi travel junkies! Travel is life. And if you miss travel, you miss life.
Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.
So, check this out! travel like a nomadicmegan:
Name: Megan, aka NomadicMegan
Hometown: Philadelphia, USA
Residence: Well, that’s transitory. For the past year and a half I’ve been living in Thailand- first in a small town and then Chiang Mai. But I’ve just recently relocated to Mandalay, Myanmar for a summer term teaching position.
I’ll be here until May, when I’ll be island hopping around Thailand for as long as possible, and then hopefully visiting some old friends in Australia. Beyond that I’m not sure, all I know is I’ll be traveling somewhere and I’ll be writing about it.
Travel Blog/website: Nomadicmegan.com
Twitter: @nomadicmegan
Short Bio: I left the US for the first time when I was 17 on a trip to Italy, and have been plotting my way to the rest of the world since.
That seven years ago now, and in that time I studied abroad in Prague, backpacked through central Europe and The Balkans, backpacked through South Africa during the 2010 World Cup, and have been living in Southeast Asia ever since I graduated from University.

beer in pai scene.
How did you first get into travel blogging: I’ve always loved to write. And I’ve always found that it was the best way to make sense of and remember all my travels.
When I was leaving for my semester in Prague, it was actually a good friend that suggested I make a blog so that other people could read what I write about. And, well, now here I am three years later still traveling and still writing about it.
What do you love most about being a travel blogger: I love travel blogging because I love to write and share my experiences and interpretations of The World with others.
Travel Blogging creates a constant dialogue where I am able to constantly assess and process and talk about traveling and various countries/cities with other people that value the same things or have had similar experiences.
What’s the secret to creating a successful travel blog: Refusing to get discouraged or give up. It’s hard at first and daunting at times, especially when you first start out and write an amazing story that… two people read. It takes time. You just need to work at it and continue.
How do you get your blog noticed amongst the millions of other blogs out there: You need to bring your unique opinions and voice to your work, as opposed to creating generic travel pieces.
You should really put your personality into it and care about what you’re writing.
You should also decide what particular kind of writing it is you want to do, find a voice, find an audience, and work with it.
What advice would you give to fledgling travel bloggers: Keep traveling, keep writing, keeping doing your thing, don’t let it drive you crazy or take over your life.
How do you make money out of travel blogging: Some ads, referrals, but I make the bulk of money from writing for other media or publications in addition to my blog.
How do you fit in blogging while on the road: If it’s been too long since I’ve done a lot of work, I’ll set aside a few days to work on my website. But usually I just work on it for an hour or so each evening-which is when I’m winding down and thinking about my day anyway.
What’s your most epic travel story: What a difficult question.. Probably either a combination of days and experiences at the FIFA World Cup in South Africa… and the time I attended Thailand’s bloody Vegetarian Festival on Phuket and woke up at the crack of dawn to watch entranced mediums pierce their faces with swords and knives and then parade through town.

ice skating in czech republic.
What is your favourite destination so far: I really love a lot of places- Vietnam, Czech Republic, Thailand, Bosnia, Slovenia, Croatia… to name some of my favorites.
What’s been your biggest travel disaster: Losing my toothbrush. Just kidding.
Not necessarily a disaster but when I was in South Africa my bus from Cape Town to Joburg broke down for 7 hours in the middle of nowhere and by the time we finally arrived in Joburg we’d been in transit for over 24 hours on a crowded and cramped bus =/
What are your top gadgets that you always take travelling: My kindle- I can fit more books in my bag now. My iPhone- lots of great travel apps.
What’s your favourite phrase in a foreign language: Sabai Sabai. That’s a popular Thai phrase that means taking it easy. They really live that phrase. And I really love that.
Would you ever do any other job: There are tons of jobs I would and actually do as well. For example, I’m also a TESOL teacher. But no matter what other job I’m doing, I’ll never stop writing.

yeeping festival thailand.
What’s next on your bucket list: Get scuba certified in Thailand in a few months =]
Favorite travel blog/website(s) – besides Traveljunkieindonesia.com, of course!: I love The Matador Website and greatbigscaryworld.com
What has travel taught you: Patience. And to laugh at everything.
Best travel tip: Just go with it. Don’t worry about things, don’t over plan, don’t over pack. Simple is better.
Happy Sustainable Travels!
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