Camera, Vitamins, Wanderlust, and @Travenesia – Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.

Name: Hamka Rasufit S. & Jeanne Svensky Ligte

Occupation: Student, Information Technology (Hamka), Industrial Engineering (Jenny), Travel Bloggers

Hometown: Makassar (Both)

Residence: Malang (Hamka), Makassar (Jenny)


Twitter: @travenesia

Short Bio: Indonesian youths with lots of passion to travel around the world. Like Mountain and fall in love with beautiful sea. Full adrenalines and dying to know more about cultures. Want to introduce Indonesia to the world, not just tourism destination but also culture and habit.

How often do you fly: 6 x a year (Hamka), 4 x a year (Jenny)

How many countries have you been to: Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Philliphine, England, Wales, Kuwait

How many continents have you been to: Asia, Europe, Australia

Favorite Indonesian city: Sorowako, Sulawesi Selatan (Jenny), Malang (Hamka)

Favorite international city: London (Hamka), Singapore (Jenny)

Least favorite country: Indonesia, Belanda, Rumania, India, Brasil (Jenny),  Indonesia and Scandinavian Countries (Hamka)

Favorite World Heritage Site: Maccu Piccu in Peru, Karst Maros in Indonesia, Itzchen Inca in Mexico, South China Karst in Yunnan

Favorite airline: Garuda Indonesia, Airasia, Emirates, Citilink Garuda

Favorite aircraft type: Airbus, Fokker 55, N250

Aisle or window: Window

Favorite airport lounge: Changi Airport (Hamka), Hasanuddin Airport (Makassar)

Favorite Indonesia airport: Hasanuddin Airport in Makassar (Hamka), Juanda Airport (Jenny)

Favorite international airport: Heathrow London (Hamka), International Sydney (Jenny)

Favorite hotel: Ibis Hotel London (Hamka), Toraja Heritage Hotel (Jenny)

Favorite island: Pulau Tinabo, Takabonerate (Hamka), Pulau Bintan, Kep. Riau (Jenny)

Favorite fancy restaurant: Warung Mie Aceh (Hamka), Salassa Restaurant Bira (Jenny)

Favorite hole in the wall: Rice Paddy In Ubud Bali

Favorite fruit: Grapes, And Manggos

Favorite food: Sate (Hamka), Kapurung (Jenny)

Least favorite food: Plecing Kangkung, Pangsit, Gado – Gado, Konro Bakar, Seafood (Jenny) + Mie Aceh, Rendang Padang, Coto Makassar (Hamka)

Drink of choice (In the air and on the ground): Es The Manis (Both)

Favorite travel movie(s): Around the world in 80 days, Chasing Liberty (Jenny) + Alive, 127 Hours (Hamka)

Favorite travel song(s): Owl City and Skysailing Album (Jenny) + Goin’ Where The Wind Blows by Mr. Big, Hitori Janai by Deen and Country Road Take Me Home by John Denver (Hamka)

Favorite travel show(s): Amazing Race, Jelajah, Bukan Jalan – Jalan Biasa (Jenny) +  NG Traveler, Teroka, Jejak Petualang (Hamka)

Favorite travel book(s): Selimut Debu, Garis Batas, Naked Traveler Series (Jenny) + Dead Lucky by Lincoln Hall (Hamka)

Right now I am reading: Joshua file’s 4: Dark Parallel (Jenny), Ruler of The Land Comic (Hamka)

Five things you bring on a plane: Magazine, Book, Earplug, Snack, Tumblr (Jenny) + Ipod, Camera, Notebook, Book, Comic (Hamka)

What do you always seem to forget: Sewing Kit and Extension Cord (Jenny) + Tin Whistle (Hamka)

What do you want your loved one to buy you from an airport duty free store? Local Newspaper (Hamka), Free Ticket for Next Trip (Jenny)

Most embarrassing/worst travel moment: Arrived Singapore at 12 midnight, no public transportation to find hostel and finally slept in a park near halte after 3 km walking and forgot to wear a warm cloths when I was in Wales with 5 degrees (Hamka) + Went to Esplanade Theater in Singapore when New Year’s Eve in 2010-2011, I forgot that I ride Mercedens Taxi, that’s why the fare was so expensive. Too bad my Singapore Dollar wasn’t enough to pay. So I paid the rest with rupiahs (IDR 50K) (Jenny)

What’s your dream destination: Mount Everest (Hamka), Great Barrier Reef (Jenny)

Favorite travel blog/website(s) – besides, of course!,,,

Best travel tip: Bring these things on your journey: camera, vitamins, and wanderlust. And oh, tons of patience!

Happy green travels!

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