– Raja Ampat is a place that not only sounds magical, but most people don’t even know of. Raja Ampat is situated on our beautiful planet and was on Travel Junkie Indonesia travel list.
We got curious after reading an article about the discovery of unknown species and the hidden skulls on the islands around Raja Ampat. After getting together all available information, we finally bought the tickets to Sorong in West Papua, Indonesia.
You have to know, flying in Indonesia is not always the smoothest (plus I’m a little scaredy-cat when it comes to planes) and getting to Sorong needed a change of planes in Makassar. For 3 month, we stay in tropical loveland life.
There might be all these “top ten beaches” listings in magazines…we’ve been to quite a few of them while travelling, but this one is simply stunning 🙂 Of course, it depends what you are searching for. Our goals are white sand, sun, crystal clear water, no people and all coconuts for ourself.
Happy Green Travels!
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