Visiting Autonomy Emporium

dancing autonomy. | taken with Sony NEX-7 – This day, we bring you to Autonomy Emporium to find balance in our life.

Welcome To Autonomy Brave New World …

Where Autonomy is for one, but its power can be shared by all. Blending high quality with high fashion, Autonomy is a unique, dynamic label for men who value independence and celebrate style.

i’ve been waiting for you. | taken with Sony NEX-7

Rising from the subterranean chic of Melbourne’s fashion underground with a commitment to design and an eye for detail, Autonomy unique collections have forged a legion of loyal followers who thrive on their diversity, originality and offbeat personality.

Here what I did at Autonomy:

auto espresso is the only specialty coffee bar in the cbd exclusively serving coffee from industry beans. | taken with Sony NEX-7

auto espresso musical. | taken with Sony NEX-7

miniscapes pink terrariums with angeleyes. | taken with Sony NEX-7

quilted bomber – modern classic remixed. | taken with Sony NEX-7

one of us. | taken with Sony NEX-7

For more information, go to

Demand freedom and choose Autonomy…

A big thank you Tourism Victoria, Tourism Australia, my readers, for following and supporting me on this journey!


Happy Sustainable Travels!

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