Street Art Into the Blender Studios, Melbourne

song for melbourne. | taken with Sony NEX-7 – I love a good holiday!  We took a finish Melbourne street art tours at the Blender Studios, and it was AMAZING.

The Blender is now full.

Some of the artists who currently hold residence at the Blender now are Regan Tamanui –was in Optimizim at GOMA, E.L.K. –represented by Metro, Drewfunk – street art superstar, Tim Sterling –winner of the Samstag and a number of Ozco residencies and more.

The artists are serious and work hard.

Most are represented by galleries or have residencies and awards.

it’s working. | taken with Sony NEX-7

melbie breaks. | taken with Sony NEX-7

someone’s missing. | taken with Sony NEX-7

We do however have a few younger artists that we have taken on at the Blender in a mentoring role.

They are young, passionate and work hard.

It has been a successful program with some of the artists selling out there first solo shows.

So the Blender has become more of an art complex than an ideas factory where nearly anything goes.

It is self-­?sustainable and tries to bring art to travel junkies.

It is not elitist and travel junkies is always welcome.

flash delerium. | taken with Sony NEX-7

lady vagi’s nightmare. | taken with Sony NEX-7

congratulation scene. | taken with Sony NEX-7

i found a whistle. | taken with Sony NEX-7

Here, I feel like my body has been dipped in warm-creativities. It was the best street art tours ever.

More information, go to

A big thank you to Tourism Victoria and Tourism Australia.


Happy Sustainable Travels!

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